Lots of headache, frustration, unnecessary quarrel would be avoided if men will learn to understand women. Living with a woman is not difficult at all, ignorance, immaturity and unrealistic expectations makes a man see his precious fiancee/ wife as a devil, demon,or witch! Here are things women do that make them appear difficult but they are not, you just need to understand them. 1. WOMEN GET IRRITATED AND ANGRY BEFORE THEIR MENSTRUATION and may even be screaming, yelling or throwing things at you. You are not her problem, her cycle is. It is immaturity to bicker with her, shout her down or call her names because her system is disorganized. Immature men are huge disaster in relationships. Calm down. Respond to her calmly. Hold her hand or put your arms around her. Hug her a lot. Women need plenty of it during this period (physical touch is limited to the married). 2. SHE OFTEN GETS HORNY: Her cycle is also responsible; sometimes emotional upsurge. If you ...