This is one of the most common mistakes. It is also the least effective if you want to try to win back your love. We think that if we tell them how much we miss them, or that we are nothing without them, something will click inside of their hearts and we will get the relationship back. But actually the opposite happens. Begging will only make them lose respect for us. Who’s going to value someone who isn’t able to survive on their own? How can we feel love for someone who doesn’t seem to love himself very much? It’s like trying to get a job but the only thing you can tell the hiring manager is that they should give you the job because you need it. This type of behavior usually overwhelms the other person. Your partner might start to feel guilty. They might start to see you as unnecessary pressure in their lives. If you do get them to pity you, it might just be because they feel guilty. But in that case, you will have lost them fore...