Reasons why relationship fails

Ever wonder why love doesn't stand  the test of time, the reasons isn't far fetched and no matter how you spin it, most romantic relationships don’t last forever. It’s not weird for a relationship to fail. In fact, it’s more than likely that most relationships will eventually fail. 

There are so many reasons why any relationship fail in todays world and some of those reason are what we'll be looking into today.

And if you reading this article, then I'm guessing you seek for a change or a solution to avoid your relationship from failing.

Reasons why relationship fails.

 Lack of Trust

Trust is the act of placing confidence in someone or something else. It is a fundamental human experience. Trust is necessary for a relationship to function. It can play a large role in happiness. Without it, fear rules. 

In an intimate relationship, trust is all important. In fact, trust could be thought of as the glue that holds a relationship together because it facilitates a positive emotional connection between partners based on affection, love and loyalty. If your relationship fails today its just because it lacks Trust.

Lack of Love/Affection.

The lack of love in a relationship can make one's relationship fail and it’s a chronic problem which can eventually, if left unchecked, be the root cause of a breakup or a failure in every relationship. Of course, it could be that one partner has simply become a little busy at work and been distracted.

Mind you relationship is made up of two right minded people, and it takes two to tangle. You’ve noticed your partner is being a little less affectionate than they normally would be. Before you jump in and consider the worst case scenario, ask yourself these questions:

– How long has this been going on?

– Is it out of character?

– Are you also given your partner the affection/love well deserved?

the one thing people do in relationship is mirror. if someone is showing less affection, we mirror their behavior and pull back on the amount of affection we show them. As a result, they mirror us.

for our relationship not to fail we have to love and show affection.

Lack of Communication

The lack of communication can ultimately lead to low morale. Because ineffective communication can create misunderstandings, missed opportunities, conflict, the dissemination of misinformation and mistrust in relationship. and Couples that don't learn to consciously communicate will face issues when it comes to intimacy, conflict, and relational growth.. Understanding your partner's inner world and having them understand yours is pivotal to true connection. If you struggle to communicate in a way that evolves your relationship, then over time you will find that you grow apart. 

Some of the effect lack of communication can cause in a relationship are.
  • conflict
  • A negative perspective of your partner
  • Turning away from each other's attempts to connect
  • Feeling unseen or unknown
  • Loneliness
  • Lack of intimacy
If your partner isn't communicating with you, it's helpful to identify the "why"—is it something left over from childhood? Are they feeling hurt by you? Do they just have a different idea of what it means to communicate?

Effective communication is the foundation of a successful relationship, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy.
If you’re having a hard time working through communications in your relationship, consider seeing a therapist, either on your own or with your partner, to work through any underlying issues and develop some new tools.



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