This point, most new writers are spinning in place, wondering how the heck to get started. Your fingers are itching to write, but you have no outlet. You have no idea how to become a freelance writer. You aren’t sure where to start or what to write about. Slow down . . . and look within — and don’t make the mistake of thinking you have a drab life or minimal knowledge.


List three assets that define you. Those could be events, personality, interests, experience, other profession, leadership roles, education, etc.

List three things about life that inspire you. For example: parenting, nature, religion, charity, freedom, military, etc.

List three things you dream of. Examples: retirement, publishing, grandchildren, traveling, marriage, winning the lottery, sustainable living, etc.

From these three lists you amass a wealth of topics to address. This is your expertise. From here you seek markets, because girls and guys, when you want to earn money with your words, you have to seek clients, whether they are businesses who require copywriting for their newsletters, websites and advertising, or magazines that seek freelance features. You need to be able to walk the walk and talk the talk. (Click to tweet this idea!) Sure, you can write anything, but to jump start your career make your first steps with your lists, tapping subjects you’re already knowledgeable of.

Places to find freelance gigs and magazine markets:

1. Craigslist (Avoid those who ask you to write pieces on a topic as part of the application. They are just gathering free material. Avoid those without real-people connections.)

2. Writers Market

3. The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers

4. Magazine Markets for Children’s Writers

5. Blogging Pro

6. Pro Blogger

7. Worldwide Freelance

8. Simply Hired

9. Morning Coffee Newsletter

10. Freelance Writing Jobs

11. LinkedIn (Paid upgrade has many more opportunities.)

12. Free Trade Magazines (Free subscriptions to magazines you won’t find at the newsstand.)

13. Free Trade Publications (Ditto number 11.)

14. Free Trade Magazine Source (Ditto number 11 and 12.)

15. Magatopia (Ditto 11, 12, 13.)

What about that dream project? That award-winning novel in your head? That’s your dessert each day. That’s what you fuss over once you’ve put in your time at bringing home the bacon.

Don’t get depressed that you’re abandoning your artistry. On the contrary, you’re building a foundation for it. Once you become adept at freelancing, you not only have income to use for your dream project, but, surprise! You’ve vastly improved your writing skills. And people now identify with you as a professional writer.

I started FundsforWriters and freelanced because I could not sell my mystery. At the end of the nonfiction day, however, I played with my fiction, recognizing the fact it still needed work, while I still needed an income. Several years later, income better defined, I dove into the mystery and made it happen. But the unexpected benefit of taking that route was this . . . I had unknowingly built a decent platform consisting of people who liked my writing. And that made my new publisher quitehapp



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