Understanding Your Man

Sometimes most women wonder what it takes to really understand their man and look for ways of how they can go to fully understand them, most time when they are in the midst of their friends or in the midst of their loved ones you'll hear them say "Honestly i don't understand him anymore", "Oh he has really changed alot", sometimes they wish they knew what's going through his head or they noticed the sudden change in their partners attitude or character and it makes them want to know what he really wants or how he really feels.
However the case maybe the truth remains both men and women are from the same planet and man is also an individual with hopes and needs.and for you to understand him much better, listed below are tips to guide you in understanding your man.

1. understand that your man sometimes might be depressed, help him get out of it.

Yes as depressed as your man may be at that time it could really be the major reason why you no longer understand your man and you begin to feel emotional pain. Your boyfriend may be angry and lash out at you often. He may even try to withdraw from you completely. You may feel neglected, or even to blame for your boyfriend’s depression. Learn how to assist your boyfriend genuinely through this trying time while still taking time out to care for yourself, too. but how then do you know if he his really depressed then you have to watch of for the following when he

Experiences aches, pains or digestive problems
Having difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much
Being unable to meet responsibilities at school, work or home
Having thoughts of suicide
Being tired most of the time
Losing interest in things once enjoyed
Getting irritable or angry quickly
Having trouble concentrating
Feeling anxious
Overeating, or not eating at all

Then all you need do is to talk him out of that state of his, be his companion, friend, listen to him and share your own opinion, ask him questions where necessary and always express your readiness to support him.

2. Improve on your relationship

If you can try improve on your relationship you can fully understand your man avoid taking him or the relationship for granted If you’ve been together for a while, it’s common for the two of you to start taking each other for granted. This is one of the most common challenges in relationships all you need do is to be an active listener,avoid blames, watch your body language at that time you communicate more with non-verbal communication our body language and gestures than we do with what we say. Keep an eye on your body language. It may be sending messages you didn’t mean.

3.Men Don’t Actually Want You To Hold Everything In & Pretend Everything Is OK.

Most women, when they are initially dating a man in the first months or years, feel that they have to pretend nothing happened when something upsets them badly.
They want to hide these emotions from a man because they subconsciously believe that if he were to know how she really feels, then he would not love her or be with her anymore the truth remains you are only endangering your relationship and upsetting your man with your actions all you need do when you find yourself in a situation like this is to feel free with em and keep pretense out of your life and your relationship.

4. When Your Man Doesn’t Do What You Wish He Would, You Can Be Sure It Is Because You Haven’t Communicated Your Needs To Him In A Way That He Understands.

Men don’t want to be there for an unresponsive woman! Women who don’t reward them with their responsiveness or feminine energy.
So, respond or reward your man — through your eyes, your gestures, your body movements, and your smile — basically, with your willingness to stay connected in love.
Just beware: The longer that you have withheld your responsiveness or gratitude…the longer you have withheld your happiness and loving energy from a man, the longer the path you will have to regain his trust.

5.Men Wish YOU Understood Them Deeply. 

When you put your focus on how to understand men, then it becomes easy for you to become a high value woman.Not only that, when you learn how to understand men, you also stop worrying.
Understanding men means that you can have the freedom to stop feeling, or getting hurt and upset all the time.
When you’re hurt and upset all the time, you can’t be present and your feminine energy doesn’t show up. You’re tight and controlling. And that is not pleasant from a man’s perspective — or anyone’s perspective, especially your own.
And look: When you understand men, men find it easier to give you what you need, and be the men you want them to be for you,There is an incredible allure to women who understand men. Because these women are usually higher value, less defensive, and more radiant because of the lowered stress that comes from understanding men.



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